1 min read

Hello, world

Happy to have you here, wherever you are.
Hello, world
64.1514° N, 21.9503° W

Welcome! Thank you for somehow finding your way to Along the Road, an unrefined creative experiment that is very much a work in progress.

The purpose here is to create an archive of small yet lifeworthy moments through a traveler’s collection of photographs, field notes, and stories. The intent is to share a curiosity-driven perspective of the people, places, and things that make a random walk through our planet so fulfilling.

Sometimes the essence of a picture or quote speaks volumes. Other times a story is worth telling at greater length. This project will be agnostic when it comes to themes, style, or format – although patterns may develop organically with time.

Please do subscribe if you'd like to keep in touch and be notified when a new post goes up. There is no schedule or frequency in mind.

Your publisher has limited experience with graphic design and content platforms. Patience and understanding for the occasional off-center headline or 404 message is appreciated. It is a small office. These flaws will be less evident over time.

With gratitude for your interest at this early stage, we look forward to presenting some unique – and hopefully interesting – moments from along the road.